Our Design and Development Philosophy

Our eLearning and distance education work is based on the following three main concepts:
  • Donald Norman's (author of "The Design of Everyday Things") user centered design
  • Edward Tufte's (author of "Envisioning Information" and "Visual Explanations") approaches for presenting content
  • Constructivism Learning Theories

We follow a highly collaborative iterative design process with a strong focus on the end user. In fact, collaboration is one of the keys to our approach, both in the design process and in the learning process for students and users.

Whenever appropriate we employ hands-on collaborative project pedagogy. 0ur own classroom experiments have shown that students learn 2 to 3 times as much material in the same amount of time using hands-on collaborative projects rather than presenting the same material in a more traditional format.

Finally, no matter how much planning and thought go into our projects, nothing can replace a properly designed and executed evaluation of actual learner outcomes followed by a redesign based on these findings. This reiterative process produces the most effective eLearning and distance education courses and programs for both instructors and students.